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Peer Supporters

Wolverhampton Peer Support Network oversees mentoring, befriending and peer education schemes operating in many of the city's secondary and primary schools, as well as a variety of community, voluntary and youth settings.


Peer mentoring has been used for several years in Wolverhampton schools and has been very successful. It has been proven that peer mentoring works with all children, having trained primary and secondary aged children. Peer mentoring builds confidence, resilience and communication skills, emotional intelligence and many other desirable attributes.


"Peer support encourages both those being helped and the helpers to develop personal and social skills, such as communication skills; improving self-esteem; learning to negotiate with one another and adults over areas of conflict; and learning to ask for help and support. It gives children and young people the opportunity to experience different roles and responsibilities, and to learn leadership skills and team working."


At Graiseley a number of pupils have been trained by the Peer Support Network to go into the playgrounds at lunchtime to help other pupils with any problems or issues they might have.


The Mentors act as friends, someone to turn to for advice and someone to play with if they are new to the school. If the child is happy then school work and behaviour improves.

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