School of Sanctuary
Graiseley Primary School is working towards the School of Sanctuary Award
What is a School of Sanctuary?
It is a school that is committed to being a safe and welcoming place for all. We help pupils, staff and our wider community understand what it means to be seeking sanctuary and to extend a welcome to everyone as equal, valued members of the school community.
As part of our School of Sanctuary initiative some of the things we aim to are:
Promote positive attitudes within schools and their communities around people seeking sanctuary
Be a place of safety and inclusion for all
Commit to welcoming and supporting people seeking sanctuary
Sign post families to Citizens Advice and Wolverhampton Council
Sign post families to access foodbanks and support to provide school uniform
Sign post families to the Graiseley Family Hub
Sign post to The Refugee Migrant Centre (RMC)
Liaise with education and welfare officers
Click here to find out more:
We are also introducing the…
Young Interpreters Scheme
This is a fantastic scheme where children support other children with little or no English. They speak a range of languages and support during break times to help children find friends and integrate into daily school life.
Our team of children receive training sessions, a badge, a notebook and an aide memoir to make them recognisable and to help them support our new children. It is a rewarding role and the successful candidates are selected because of the caring qualities they possess with a desire to help others.
Click here to find out more: