Extra-Curricular Activites
Events are organised which encourage the social development of the pupil and provide happy memories of honest endeavour in sport and club activities. We run various clubs during the year:
Art -– Athletics -- Break Dancing -- Computers –- Cricket –- Cross-Country -- Cycle proficiency training -– Dance Mat -- Dhol drumming –- Film Club -- Football -- Karate –- Library -– Multi-Sports -– Music Lessons –- Netball -– One-Two-One Tuition -- Rugby -– Swimming -- Theatre skills.
We enter various tournaments, e.g. rounders, swimming, Kwik cricket, football and netball. The children have been invited to taster sessions for table tennis, touch rugby and many other sports.
We also have had special gymnastics and dance sessions for classes.
The school holds discos each term and a show for the whole family to come and enjoy. There are regular competitions for the children and their families to enter!
The choir performs at public events and especially for the local senior citizens home at Christmas.
We hold Summer Fairs, Jumble sales and Book Fairs throughout the year.